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Weight Loss Breakthrough

Download Your FREE eBook

Dear Friend, does this sound familiar ?

  • You desperately need the motivation to stay on track

  • Feel overwhelmed and have no idea where to start

  • You have need help with meal choices and don’t want to have cook all the time

  • Feel you never have the time to work out

  • Hate having to track calories and stick to a plan


I've got GREAT news for you – you are in the right place right now!


My name is Dr Geanie Asante, and I'm known as the "Queen of helping you lose weight and feel great"

Why? Because helping clients lose weight and keep it off what I do best!

What's my secret? Well, here it is in a nutshell :-

  • As cancer survivor, I have gone from someone who would not even run for a bus to a 1/2 marathoner and have many satisfied clients who have lost weight and feel great by following my proven Fit5Body system.

  • I am a P90X, Turbokick, and Hip Hop Hustle Certified Instructor who has also struggled with losing weight.

  • I have lost weight and managed to keep it off with my proven system that has made my journey enjoyable and eliminated
    the frustration that comes as we get older.


The 'DREAM' System

Whether you're a newbie at this or have experience in health and fitness, you'll discover tools and tips designed to help you consistently drop the pounds again and again. All you need to do is follow my paint-by-numbers system in this eBook to see these results in YOUR life.


This is ALL NEW and UPDATED. After all, you already know things have changed. What used to work doesn't have the same impact. That's why you need the NEW and IMPROVED system that is working NOW.


D = Diet & Nutrition

R = Reflection & Emotional Barriers

E = Exercise

A = Accountability

M = Motivation


Here’s just a SAMPLING of what you’ll discover when you dig in and dare to make your DREAM a REALITY! 


Chapter 1 - Diet & Nutrition

  • Learn to identify your individual needs and exactly how to eat, what to eat, and when

  • Learn to examine the different ways you want to eat depending on where you are physically and your goals

  • Learn how to take your diet and nutritional needs into your own hands,

  • No more questions, no more confusion, no more calorie counting.

  • Outline an easy system that anyone can follow


Chapter 2 - Reflection & Emotional Barriers

  • Plunge deeper into what YOUR problem is and why you are on this roller coaster

  • Learn to set SMART  - Achievable and Realistic goals that we CAN and WILL stick to

  • Look at your relationship with food and the control it has over you

  • Take a long hard look at your bad habits and why you sabotage yourself

  • Work towards a positive mind shift and attitude change when it comes to losing weight


Step 3 - Exercise

  • If you have problems with exercise, you will learn to examine your relationship with exercise and what you like to do

  • You will learn about your exercise options: Gym. Dance, Martial Arts, Walk/Run/Bike, Play a team sport, At Home DVD

  • The most effective workouts in the minimum amount of time


Step 4 - Accountability

  • Help you set realistic goals and identify a buddy ot workout partner

  • How to use a Fitness Tracker Mobile App to keep you accountable


 Step 5 - Motivation

  • Learn how to keep going once you reach each goal

  • Get motivated to make yourself get up and workout

  • Learn to be prepared even during those busy days, weeks, and months


My goal is to give you everything you need to make your weight loss goal easy to achieve for FREE



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